about me

the only form of human tribalism that's left on earth - "my tribe is better than yours. It will beat your tribe". This was, is, and always will be what football ultimately represents.
The only form of human tribalism that’s left on earth – “my tribe is better than yours. It will beat your tribe”.
This was, is, and always will be what football ultimately represents.

My life revolves around football – from lush Armenian fields up in the Caucasus, to barefoot pickup games in the Zambezi River delta. Most preferably, South American futbol, and especially Brazilian futebol.
You can find my work on GolTV (USA), where I’m often calling/color commentating matches from Brazil to other various leagues, and where every Tuesday (7p Eastern), I’m doing my best to wrap up the current Brasileirão action, in the channel’s weekly highlight show, “Tu Futbol Brasil”.
In this blog, you can find my personal thoughts, input, and point of view on the history, and current state of Brazilian football; some very insightful, at other times, nothing more than me, purely me venting about the rather difficult state that the beautiful game currently faces in my home country of Brazil.
Comments and suggestions are very much encouraged, so don’t forget to drop me a line!
I hope you enjoy, and remember…

-Felipe Mekhitarian


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