What Each Team Wants for Christmas This Year!

It’s been quite a year for Brazilian football…good for some, bad for others. But we must not rule out the wishing spirit the season brings upon us – and here are some of Brasileirão’s finest Christmas wishes for 2012: In Porto Alegre… Internacional wants the fourth Brazilian championship, because the famous “TRI” (1975, 1976, 1976)…

Round 38 (Dec/4) – Corinthians are the 2011 Brazilian League Champions!

Round 38…the last round of this year’s amazing championship… As it was already expected but nobody really wanted to say anything before “the fat lady actually sang”, Corinthians tied Palmeiras and regardless of Vasco’s result with Flamengo (a tie as well), were crowned Brazilian champions for the fifth time, now behind only Flamengo and São…

Round 35 (Nov/16-17) – Corinthians, One Step Closer to their 5th Title!

Round 35…another electrifying round full of action from start to end. Not many unexpected twists and turns, however, since it is the Brasileirão, a magical match in Rio between Fluminense and Grêmio took place in which an inspired Fred helped his Tricolor Carioca come out with the 5×4 win after being down twice, leaving Flu…